
Losing boys to porn and gaming

Pornography and video games are crippling a generation of boys who are growing up on a “tech-based buzz,” according to new research.

“Young men — who play video games and use porn the most — are being digitally rewired in a totally new way that demands constant stimulation. And those delicate, developing brains are being catered to by video games and porn-on-demand, with a click of the mouse, in endless variety,” write Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo and Nikita Duncan, authors of the recently-released book “The Demise of Guys: Why Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It.”

That “arousal addiction” can make users more aggressive, less attached in real-life relationships and unable to see consequences beyond those in the immediate moment, the psychologist team says. That means boys who are addicted to either porn or video games may struggle in a school environment and are also setting themselves up for trouble in romantic relationships that take a while to develop rather than the immediate gratification they are used to seeing on the screen.

I doubt anyone is surprised to hear pornography and hours hooked on video games are bad for a person. But it’s interesting that quick-fix-gratification media like pornography and video games can actually change a person’s brain.

I’m not sure what the solution is to this, but it’s a terrifying thought to think of a generation of boys growing up like this — aggressive and in search of the next quick digital high. But I do know mothers are at the heart of the answer. Mothers can’t control everything a child does behind closed doors or at a friend’s house, but she can set the limits on gaming and inappropriate material at home.

Of course, once a boy is sucked into this type of digital addiction, I don’t think a mother can single-handedly pull him out. But until then, she has more power than anyone to stop the addiction from happening in the first place.

Do you struggle with ether video game or pornography addiction in your home? Any tips for addressing the issue?
How do we save a generation of boys from becoming digital zombies?

Source : http://just4mom.blogs.deseretnews.com/2012/06/04/losing-boys-to-porn-and-gaming/

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